3. – 4. July, 2023 Venice, Italy

From July 3 to July 4, 2023 the Young Researcher Forum on Sustainable Biomass and Climate ChangeSusBiC, will gather young researchers of all the different disciplines involved in the topic. It aims at presenting the current understanding and the current knowledge in a multidisciplinary context such as to create a common knowledge base across disciplines for enabling more interconnected approaches to solve the pressing problem. The workshop will consist in full introductory key lectures by renowned experts active in key areas of renewable biomass and climate change research. 

Young researchers will have the opportunity to share their experiences in analysing biomasses, and to discuss life experiences with peers and experts in the field. Posters will be displayed during the entire workshop, building the base for continuous discussion and networking.

Venice-Mestre, Campus Scientifico Università Ca’ Foscari, ALFA Building

Applicants are encouraged to submit together with their application an abstract for a poster presentation that describes their work.

Application Deadline
30th May 2023

Priority will be given to post-docs and late-stage PhD students. 50 places are available in on ‘first comes – first served’ basis; 20% of available places will be reserved for PhD students from the Universities of Milano-Bicocca and Ca’Foscari Venice. 20% are reserved for industrial researchers.

Scientific committee
Heiko Lange – University of Milano-Bicocca
Matteo Gigli – Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Claudia Crestini – Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Luca Zoia – University of Milano-Bicocca
Requested documents to be uploaded in the application form:
CV, ID card or passport.

For further information, contact: