We are proud to present our first, large project: The Young Scientists’ Professional Development Workshop. Our aim with this event is to provide beginning PhD. students and postdocs with some practical courses on mandatory aspects of a successful scientific career. Taking place 9.10 – 11.10 2023 near the beautiful mountain range of High Tatras, the workshop will cover several crucial topics with experienced people in the academic sphere.

How to write and successfully publish a paper in prestigious scientific journals with Karol Marhold, an experienced reviewer from the Institute of Botany, SAS.
Elżbieta Drążkiewicz will talk about her journey towards her successful ERC grant application, which has been awarded for the first time in 10 years in Slovakia.
What good is research for if you don’t know how to pass your knowledge forward? Ivana Studená has a solution for you with hands-on presentation skills training!
Are you thinking about research mobility in the near future? Zuzana Reptová from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions foundation and Lýdia Tobiášová on behalf of Fullbright Slovakia will share with you some tips&tricks on how you can use their platforms to receive research funding in Europe or the USA.
At the end of the day, if you ask yourself if academia is the right place for you to do your research, Radoslav Mizera & Barbora Szepeová might have the solution for you. SARIO Slovakia is an emerging platform, that aims to promote cooperation between private industry and state-run scientific institutions.
Registrations are now officially OPEN HERE, and for the first 25 people that apply, will cover the full accommodation (including breakfast, lunch, dinner).