
We invite all PhD students and young postdocs to participate in elections to the Council of Young Researchers for the term 2024-2026. We will vote six new members of the executive board, including the president and vice-president. Therefore, we appeal to all young members of the Slovak Academy who have some fresh ideas how to improve the quality of the activities organized by the Council to send us their candidatures by 30 April 2024 on

All registered members of the Young Researchers SAS can run for elections. So those who consider candidature and are not yet registered members of the Young Researchers please make your registration first on our website.

As a part of their candidature all candidates have to submit a short summary which should include a brief info about a candidate and their vision of future activities within the Council (max 200 words) + a photo (as a separate attachment)

Short Summary Template:

Harry Potter (Ing., PhD.)

Institute of Wizardry/0. Section/29 years

I successfully completed the PhD. Studies at the Institute of Wizardry last year. Now I continue my research on kettle goulash and eternal life as a part of my postdoc project.

As a member of the Council of Young Researchers SAS I will try to increase the prestige of the Young Researchers and grow its membership. In my free time I like to play a quidditch and get on everyone’s nerves. This summary can have up to 200 words but this was a long week and I feel a little dumb. I believe that you will use the offered space more effectively.


All registered members of the Young Researchers SAS are eligible to vote.

Practical info

Elections will take place online on the website.

Every voter has to be registered and logged in.

Every voter can vote for a maximum of 6 candidates.

Elections are secret and it will not be possible neither to look at who voted for whom nor to change a vote.

Candidates with the highest number of votes will become the president and vice president, with respect to the rule about the equal division of functions between the science sections of the Slovak Academy

In case that not all six members of the Council are successfully elected, the current president of the Council will announce a date of additional elections which should take place within a month after the first one.

Founding meeting of the new Council of Young Researchers has to be organized within 30 days from the announcement of the election results.

The new president is obliged to submit the new membership of the Council to the Presidium of the Slovak Academy of Sciences within 30 days from the founding meeting.

Important dates

Submission of candidatures by 30 April 2024

Candidatures/short summaries will be published on our website on 1 may 2024/13:59

Elections will take place from 1 May 2024/14:00 to 10 May 2024/23:59

Results will be published 11 may 2024/14:00


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Kandidáti sú zobrazení podľa získaných hlasov

Filip Květoň (Ing., PhD.)

Počet získaných hlasov: 39

Chemický ústav SAV, v. v. i. / 2. oddelenie SAV / 33 rokov

Barbora Buzássyová (Mgr., PhD.)

Počet získaných hlasov: 29

Historický ústav SAV / 3. oddelenie SAV / 30 rokov

Viliam Nádaskay (Mgr., PhD.)

Počet získaných hlasov: 22

Ústav slovenskej literatúry / 3. oddelenie SAV / 30 rokov

Diana Knoblochová (Mgr.)

Počet získaných hlasov: 17

Ústav zoológie SAV, v. v. i. / 2. oddelenie SAV / 26 rokov

Sepideh Hassankhani Dolatabadi (Ing.)

Počet získaných hlasov: 16

PhD Student- Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies STU Institute of Informatics – SAS / 1. Scientific section SAS / 34 years

Matej Medla (Mgr., PhD.)

Počet získaných hlasov: 13

Ústav zoológie, SAV / 2. oddelenie SAV / 28 rokov

Ivan Chylák (PhDr.)

Počet získaných hlasov: 12

Historický ústav SAV / Oddelenie dejín raného novoveku / 3. oddelenie SAV / 31 rokov

Laura-Olívia Laláková (Mgr.)

Počet získaných hlasov: 8

Biomedicínske centrum SAV / Ústav Experimentálnej Onkológie / 2. oddelenie SAV / 25 rokov

Celkom volilo 53 voličov a celkom odovzdali 156 hlasov.